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Waterfall Model

WaterFall Model

What is WaterFall Model?

  1. It comes under Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC) model.

  2. It is a linear(sequential) model.

  3. It divides software development into different phases.

  4. Each phase is designed for performing specific activity in an application.

  5. The output of one phase becomes the input of the next phase.

  6. First phase should be completed before the begning of second phase.

  7. The phases do not overlap with each other.

  8. Each and every phase connected to each other and work in downwards flow.

  9. This model provides best result when require are unchangable.

Phases of Waterfall Model:-

  • Planning(Feasibility Study)

  • Requirements analysis

  • Design

  • Coding(Development)

  • Testing

  • Optimization and Maintainence

  • Deliver

Advantages of Waterfall Model:-

  • It is very simple to use and is easy to understand.

  • One phase will work at a time.

  • Any changes in software is easy at the time of the development.

  • Every phase has specific review process.

  • It gives best result for smaller projects where requirements are very well understood.

Disadvantages of Waterfall Model:-

  • changes in requirements very difficult to adopt after completion of application.

  • Good for only small applications.

  • Not suitable for those applications where requirements are changed repeatedly.

  • Error can be handle easily only during the phase.

  • It takes a slot of time for documentation.

  • Not suitable for large projects.

  • Not good for object-oriented projects.

  • Short of flexibility in this model.


