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Non-Functional Testing

What is Non-Functional Testing?

What is Non-Functional Testing?

  • Non-functional testing plays most important role as this testing consider the performance of the application as well as and security problems.

  • Non-functional testing is used to verify the requirement of the application like Performance, Usability, readability, response time, security, scalability, flexibility etc.

  • This testing ensures that your application is able to handle the load under all conditions, which help to provide an application that meets the business expectation.

  • Non-functional testing plays most important role as this testing consider the performance of the application as well as and security problems.

  • Non Functional testing is most of the time done by developers and it depends on the technical knowledge of the team.

  • In the Non Functional testing, the knowledge of the coding structure is necessary.

  • It is used to deliver the quality based product.

Types of Non-Functional Testing

  1. Performance Testing

  2. Scalability Testing

  3. Usability Testing

  4. Portability Testing

  5. Compatibility Testing

  6. Security Testing

  7. Reliability Testing


