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Spring Boot startup

How does Spring Boot startup?

How Does Spring Boot Startup?


In the realm of Java development, Spring Boot has emerged as a game-changer. It simplifies the process of building robust, production-ready applications by providing a set of conventions and tools. But how exactly does Spring Boot start up and streamline the development process? In this article, we will delve into the intricate workings of Spring Boot, exploring its initialization, configuration, and the magic that happens behind the scenes.

Table of Contents

  1. The Foundation: Understanding Spring Framework
  2. The Spring Boot Difference
  3. The Start of Spring Boot
    1. Dependency Management
    2. Auto-Configuration
  4. The Application Properties
    1. application.properties
    2. application.yml
  5. The Component Scan
  6. The Embedded Web Server
    1. Tomcat
    2. Jetty
  7. The Spring Boot Application Class
  8. The SpringApplication.run() Method
  9. The Banner
  10. The Spring Boot Actuator
  11. The Customization
  12. The Magic of Annotations
    1. @SpringBootApplication
    2. @RestController
    3. @Autowired
    4. @RequestMapping
  13. External Configuration
  14. The Profiles
  15. Conclusion
  16. FAQs
    1. FAQ 1: Is Spring Boot suitable for all types of applications?
    2. FAQ 2: Can I use a different embedded web server instead of Tomcat or Jetty?
    3. FAQ 3: How can I override Spring Boot's default configurations?
    4. FAQ 4: What is the advantage of using profiles in Spring Boot?
    5. FAQ 5: Where can I learn more about Spring Boot?

1. The Foundation: Understanding Spring Framework

Before diving into Spring Boot, let's grasp the essence of its predecessor, the Spring Framework. Spring is a powerful framework that simplifies Java application development by providing solutions for various infrastructure concerns like database access, security, and more. It's known for its Inversion of Control (IoC) container, which manages the application's components.

1. The Foundation: Understanding Spring Framework Before diving into Spring Boot, let's grasp the essence of its predecessor, the Spring Framework. Spring is a powerful framework that simplifies Java application development by providing solutions for various infrastructure concerns like database access, security, and more. It's known for its Inversion of Control (IoC) container, which manages the application's components.

2. The Spring Boot Difference Spring Boot builds upon the Spring Framework but takes a different approach. It aims to make development faster and more accessible by offering pre-built configurations and sensible defaults. This means developers can focus on writing code rather than spending time configuring the application.

3. The Start of Spring Boot 3.1. Dependency Management One of the key elements of Spring Boot is its dependency management. It utilizes Maven or Gradle to handle project dependencies. Developers specify dependencies in a build file, and Spring Boot takes care of the rest, ensuring that all required libraries are included.

3.2. Auto-Configuration Spring Boot employs auto-configuration, a powerful feature that automatically configures application components based on the dependencies present in the project. This eliminates the need for extensive manual configuration.

4. The Application Properties Spring Boot allows developers to configure applications using properties files, namely application.properties and application.yml. These files hold configuration settings that can be easily modified without altering the code.

4.1. application.properties This file uses a simple key-value pair format, making it easy to set properties such as database URLs, server ports, and logging levels.

4.2. application.yml For more complex configurations, developers can use YAML format in the application.yml file, providing a more human-readable option for configuration.

5. The Component Scan Spring Boot performs a component scan to locate and register beans within the application context. This is crucial for discovering classes annotated with @Controller, @Service, @Repository, and others.

6. The Embedded Web Server Spring Boot eliminates the need for external web servers by providing embedded servers like Tomcat and Jetty.

6.1. Tomcat Tomcat is the default embedded web server in Spring Boot. It simplifies the deployment of web applications and allows for easy customization.

6.2. Jetty Jetty is another embedded server option, known for its lightweight nature and excellent performance.

7. The Spring Boot Application Class Every Spring Boot application starts with a main class annotated with @SpringBootApplication. This annotation combines three other annotations: @Configuration, @ComponentScan, and @EnableAutoConfiguration.

8. The SpringApplication.run() Method The SpringApplication.run() method is the entry point of a Spring Boot application. It initializes the application context, applies auto-configuration, and starts the embedded web server.

9. The Banner Spring Boot allows customization of the application's banner, which is displayed on startup. This can be a fun way to add a personal touch to your application.

10. The Spring Boot Actuator The Spring Boot Actuator provides a set of production-ready features, including monitoring and managing the application. It offers insights into the application's health, metrics, and more.

11. The Customization Spring Boot is highly customizable. Developers can override auto-configurations, modify property values, and even create their own auto-configuration classes.

12. The Magic of Annotations Annotations play a pivotal role in Spring Boot. Here are some commonly used annotations:

12.1. @SpringBootApplication This annotation combines various annotations to bootstrap a Spring Boot application.

12.2. @RestController Used to define RESTful web services.

12.3. @Autowired Injects dependencies into Spring components.

12.4. @RequestMapping Maps HTTP requests to specific methods in controllers.

13. External Configuration Spring Boot allows external configuration through property files, environment variables, and command-line arguments.

14. The Profiles Profiles enable developers to define multiple configurations and choose which one to use based on the environment, such as development, testing, or production.

15. Conclusion In conclusion, Spring Boot simplifies Java application development by providing a seamless and efficient startup process. It manages dependencies, auto-configures components, and allows for extensive customization. With Spring Boot, developers can focus on building applications rather than dealing with cumbersome configurations.

FAQs FAQ 1: Is Spring Boot suitable for all types of applications? Spring Boot is versatile and can be used for a wide range of applications, from simple REST APIs to complex microservices.

FAQ 2: Can I use a different embedded web server instead of Tomcat or Jetty? Yes, Spring Boot supports various embedded servers, and you can choose the one that best fits your needs.

FAQ 3: How can I override Spring Boot's default configurations? You can override default configurations by providing your own configuration classes or modifying the application properties.

FAQ 4: What is the advantage of using profiles in Spring Boot? Profiles allow you to create different configurations for various environments, making it easy to manage development, testing, and production settings.

FAQ 5: Where can I learn more about Spring Boot? To dive deeper into Spring Boot, you can explore the official documentation and various online tutorials.

In this article, we've unraveled the magic of Spring Boot's startup process. From dependency management to auto-configuration, Spring Boot empowers developers to create robust Java applications with ease. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting your journey in Java development, Spring Boot is a tool that can significantly simplify your work and boost your productivity. So, embrace Spring Boot and streamline your development process today!

15. Conclusion

In conclusion, Spring Boot simplifies Java application development by providing a seamless and efficient startup process. It manages dependencies, auto-configures components, and allows for extensive customization. With Spring Boot, developers can focus on building applications rather than dealing with cumbersome configurations.


  1. FAQ 1: Is Spring Boot suitable for all types of applications?
  2. Spring Boot is versatile and can be used for a wide range of applications, from simple REST APIs to complex microservices.

In this article, we've unraveled the magic of Spring Boot's startup process. From dependency management to auto-configuration, Spring Boot empowers developers to create robust Java applications with ease. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting your journey in Java development, Spring Boot is a tool that can significantly simplify your work and boost your productivity. So, embrace Spring Boot and streamline your development process today!

How does Spring Boot startup?

In starting the spring boot, it setup default configuration, starts spring application context and perform class path scan as well as starts tomcat.
There is SpringApplication class that have static method run, which takes argument of main class from where application will start.

Spring Boot Startup example:-

              import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
              import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
              public class MainClassForSpringBootApp{
                  public static void main(String[] args) {
                  SpringApplication.run(MainClassForSpringBootApp.class, args);


What is Concept behind the starting Spring Boot?

Setup default configuration: Spring Boot starts with @SpringBootApplication in the public class mainclass and configure to bootstrap the application.

Starts spring application context:There is a main method in main class, from where our application will start and so that we have SpringApplication.run(MainClassForSpringBootApp.class, args); tha will return and will provide the ApplicationContext Object.

Perform class path scan:@SpringBootApplication annotation use to scan the full package while startup the application and check beans, controller and other coding stuff.

Starts tomcat:Spring Boot provides embedded tomcat to the application and developer should not worry about configuring the server.

Now, we are able to say that there is very good and better concept in Spring Boot while startup as below:-

  • Setup default configuration

  • Starts spring application context.

  • Perform class path scan.

  • Starts tomcat.

Thanks Reader...


