What is Real time operating system?
A real-time system is a time bound system.
It provide the basic support for scheduling, resources, management, synchronization and input/output.
It require specific support from Operating system.
it manages the time and resources of CPU.
It is able to determine task’s completion time.
The real-time operating systems are systems that respond immediately to the input.
Types of Network operating System
Hard Real Time Operating Systems:-
It guarantees that real-time tasks be completed within their required deadlines.
In the hard real time system meeting the deadline is very important if deadline is not met the system performance will fail.
Soft Real Time Operating Systems:-
In soft real time system, the meeting of deadline is not essential for every time for every task but process should be processed and should provide the result.
It is based on priority.
it provides priority of real-time tasks over non real-time tasks.
According to the priority it works or can meet the deadline or can miss the deadline.
Advantages of Real time operating system
There is no or little downtime in such systems.
It can be used by hosted servers to get maximum results from hosting companies.
Maximum use of devices that gives more output from all the resources.
Switching time is very less.
Size of programs are small.
Best management for memory allocation.
Disadvantages of Real time operating system
It require extra RAM.
Use heavy system resources.
Low multi-tasking.