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Real time operating system

Real time operating system

What is Real time operating system?

  • A real-time system is a time bound system.

  • It provide the basic support for scheduling, resources, management, synchronization and input/output.

  • It require specific support from Operating system.

  • it manages the time and resources of CPU.

  • It is able to determine task’s completion time.

  • The real-time operating systems are systems that respond immediately to the input.

Types of Network operating System

Hard Real Time Operating Systems:-

  • It guarantees that real-time tasks be completed within their required deadlines.

  • In the hard real time system meeting the deadline is very important if deadline is not met the system performance will fail.

Soft Real Time Operating Systems:-

  • In soft real time system, the meeting of deadline is not essential for every time for every task but process should be processed and should provide the result.

  • It is based on priority.

  • it provides priority of real-time tasks over non real-time tasks.

  • According to the priority it works or can meet the deadline or can miss the deadline.

Advantages of Real time operating system

  • There is no or little downtime in such systems.

  • It can be used by hosted servers to get maximum results from hosting companies.

  • Maximum use of devices that gives more output from all the resources.

  • Switching time is very less.

  • Size of programs are small.

  • Best management for memory allocation.

Disadvantages of Real time operating system

  • It require extra RAM.

  • Use heavy system resources.

  • Low multi-tasking.


