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Try Catch

Try Catch

How to handle the Exceptions?

To handle the Exceptions We use some keywords i.e.

  • try

  • catch

  • throw

  • throws

  • finally


  • It is a a block here we place the code where exception can occurs .

  • A try block must be followed by catch or finally or can be both.

  • We cannot use try block alone.

  • A single try block can have multiple catch blocks.


 //statements to be executed..


program 1 without using try block:-

class Test1
 public static void main(String args[]) 
        int num1 = 0;
        int num2 = 20 / num1;
        System.out.println("Rest of the code...");

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
        at Test1.main(TryProgram.java:6  



  • The catch must be associated with a try block.

  • In the catch block we handle the exceptions.

  • A single try block can have multiple catch blocks.

  • We cannot use catch block alone it must be use with try block.

  • We use try and catch block to handle the arising exceptions.

Syntax:-With single catch block

 //statements to be executed..
catch(Name of Exception)
 //code of handled exception


Syntax:-multiple catch block

    //statements to be executed..
catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) 
    //code of handled exception
catch(NullPointerException e)
    //code of handled exception
catch(Exception e)
    //code of handled exception


program 2 by using try catch block:-

class Test1
 public static void main(String args[]) 
   /*This statement is suspectable the code can throw exception
    *we handled this block statement by placing these statements
   *inside try block and handled the exception in catch block*/
   int num1 = 0;
   int num2 = 20 / num1;
   System.out.println("Rest of the code...");

  catch (ArithmeticException e) 
/* This block will only execute to handle Arithmetic exception that will occurs in tryblock.*/
    System.out.println("We can not divide any number by zero..");

We can not divide any number by zero


program 2 by using try and multicatch block:-

class Test1
 public static void main(String args[]) 
    /*This statement is suspectable the code can throw exception
    *we handled this block statement by placing these statements
    *inside try block and handled the exception in catch block*/
   int num1 = 0;
   int num2 = 20 / num1;
   System.out.println("Rest of the try code...");

  catch (ArithmeticException e) 
    /* This block will only execute to handle Arithmetic exception that will occurs in try block.*/
    System.out.println("We can not divide any number by zero..");
  catch (Exception e) 
   /* This is a parent Exception of all the Exceptions which means it can handle
   all the exceptions. This will execute if the upper catch block cannit handle the exception.*/
   System.out.println("Exception Handled");
  System.out.println("Rest of Without Exception Code...");

We can not divide any number by zero..
Without Exception Code...



