Use of Controller:
· It is an object of JS that contains all the logic of web applications.
· It is a part of Angular Module.
· It works as send or receive the data.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="angular.min.js"></script>
var mymodule=angular.module("mymodule",[]);
<div ng-app="mymodule" ng-controller="mycont as obj">
<h1>Hello {{}}</h1>
· Here "mycont" is the name of controller function() it contains the definition of the controller.
· "mycont as obj" here obj is an instance or object of a controller by this object we can access data from a function.
· ng-controller it is a directive as like ng-app but ng-controller always inside the ng-app directive.
· ng-controller it is a built-in directive which provides functionality to our applications.
· We also can use the ng-controller with the help of ($scope).
· Data stores in ($scope) and we can directly access data in controller also no need to create an object of the controller.
· Controller has direct access to the scope. Scope merged with an object.
· It is an object of JS that contains all the logic of web applications.
· It is a part of Angular Module.
· It works as send or receive the data.