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Basic Commands to create JDBC programs

Hi ! EveryOne, I'll sending you some of queries that will help you in my class for tommorrow session. Its a basic idea of mysql commands for creation of tables and database.

MYSQL Database:

1. To create database, you need to use following queries:

Create database programmingshifts;

2. To select database for further creation of tables, you need to use following queries:

use programmingshifts;

3. To create table, you need to use following queries:

 create table student(rollno int, name varchar(20), address varchar(50));

4. To insert record into table, you need to use following queries:

insert into student values(11, 'heera', 'haryana');

5. To get report or view record from table,, you need to use following queries:

select * from student;

6. To search student by rollno, you need to use following queries:

select * from student where rollno=10;

7. To search student by name, you need to use following queries:

select * from student where name='navi';

8. delete records from table, you need to use following queries:

delete * from student where rollno=10;


