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Spring MVC User Sign Up and Sign In Using Maven and Hibernate with landing page of bootstrap and angular js

Spring MVC User Sign Up and Sign In:)

Project Part 1. create project and project structure:

Welcome to my new update with spring mvc:

We need to follow some basic steps which is as follow:
  1. Create Maven Project 
  2. Add Spring Dependencies in POM 
  3. Create a class ( say Category ) 
  4. Configure the beans –Write Bean.xml ( Optional) 
  5. Test it

Step 1.  Install eclipse IDE and Create Maven Project as screenshot below:

step 2. Add Spring Dependencies in POM 







step 3. create class Structure of project structure in MVC format which is as follow:

step 4. What to Test?

You should able to get object without using “new” operator
Spring framework should be able to create object

you need to also check whether there dependencies are added or not?
go to maven dependencies folder and check using double click and should be as follow:

Kindly be update with my upcoming next part 2 after finishing of Project Part 1. create project and project structure:


