First Round of Interview For Java Developer 1 Years+Experience and Fresher
1. Package Access Modifier
What do you mean by package access modifier?
Latest Answer: We can use protected and private modifier with a Class only if it is an inner Class. ...
2. Explicit Constructor
What is Explicit Constructor?
Latest Answer: Java objects extend Object class and hence inherit a default constructor. Thus, every class can be instantiated using the default constructor. This is made possible by constructor chaining.
3. However, it is possible to provide an alternate class constructor?
4. Pure Virtual Functions, How can you make a class as an interface, if you cannot add any Pure Virtual Function? Latest Answer: Make the constructor of the class 'private'. ...Read Answers (1) | Asked by: Gaurav_soni
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5. Java Polymorphism:
Describe why Java supports only runtime polymorphism? Latest Answer: Real polymorphism has to be at run time.
Think of this scenario, Java has exposed JDBC drivers interface and you load the driver class at runtime. Using the same code you can connect to any JDBC compliant database where the actual database to be connected ...Read Answers (3) | Asked by tariqueanwer
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How many ways to create objects in java
Latest Answer: 4 ways
1. new operator
2. using Class
loading classloader
3. Cloning
4. de-serialization
Scope resolution
What is scope resolution in C++ and object oriented? Latest Answer: :: scope resolution operator is used in two ways1: access global variable 2: access member of a class
What is prototype based programming?
Latest Answer: Create a prototype based on client requirement to get a better understanding and to iron out the differences between client and ours. Once everyone on the same page, start working on implementing these into design and development.
What is the Difference between Class and Instance
Latest Answer: Class contains the declaration and definition of all of it member variables and the member functions, along with their respective access specifiers. A Class remains same for all of it's objects or instances.The object is a mere instantiation of a class.
The difference between data encapsulation and abstraction?
Difference Between Aggregation and CompositionWhat is the difference between Aggregation and Composition?